Scientific Memorization Techniques for Students/ Effective learning by Science-SAMZOO

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In this article, I am going to tell you some scientifically proven tricks, which will help you in your studies. Here are the tricks which will help to boost your memorization power and a bonus trick which help you to concentrate in studies, so please stay connected with us till the end of this article.

Scientific Memorization Techniques for Students

Scientific Memorization Techniques for Students

First of all, we will divide all the subjects into four categories:

  1. Understanding concepts
  2. Memorization
  3. Languages
  4. Applications
Let us discuss, what are the different tricks that will help you study, understand and learn from them.

The first category is the understanding concepts. This includes subjects like Physics, Thermodynamics and economics, which require a deep understanding to grasp their concepts. The trick which can be used in this is that of the Feynman Technique.

FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE: Feynman was a Noble prize-winning Physicist. who, while studying in his university, discovered a technique. that has become very famous in today's times. which help you learn something very easily.
He made a notebook and on it, wrote down the topic which he was trying to understand. he studied about the topic and tried explaining it in his own words on a blank page in the notebook.

For example - There is a concept in economics " Lorenz Curve " which show inequality. Now we will use the Feynman technique to understand the concept of the Lorenz curve.
First, we will look through our study materials. we will try and understand it from the books that we have. if we are unable to understand then we will look up Lorenz curve on Google and then look at the results if the definition is complicated, then we will look at its images, our next step would be closing our study materials. Open up a blank page in the notebook and try to explain in our own words. whatever we have read on Google and books, then we would be able to see the gaps in my understanding. this would become clear only upon writing. when we would encounter gaps, then go back and refer to see what it was.

After this. the next step is explaining out loud in words, whatever we have written down. It has been scientifically proven that speaking out loud ensures a better understanding as compared to when you talk/think quietly in your mind.

Reading and understanding is a skill that you can practice even outside the purview of studies, you can even practice it in daily life. For instances, if you are reading the newspaper, read an article in the newspaper and summarize to your parents at home, what the key-points of the article were. This is going to enhance your skill of reading something and understanding its key points.

Feynman technique can be used even outside the purview of studies to improve our overall learning.

The second category is memorization. This includes subjects like Civics, History, law, Biology and Medicines, all the subjects the involve rote learning.

The first thing you need to understand about our memory is that whatever our brain see or write, it cannot retain the written text very well.

What are the things that our brain can retain well?

First is - Emotional things (the things that we are emotionally attached to, the things that make us angry or happy or scared) we can retain these things better.

Second is - The things that are active more than one of our senses. For example - You do not just eat your food but also smell it. so, you can remember it better. something involves feeling, a sense of touch. so you can it even better.
The more numbers of senses you activate, the better you will be able to remember. the involvement of senses can be done by using your imagination. There are some techniques for this, one of the technique is Memory Palace.

MEMORY PALACE: Memory palace is a technique which involves using real-life locations that you know of, through which you create imaginary objects and create an association with the thing that you want to remember.

A Mnemonic trick is widely used to learn something like Periodic table. If someone else does not make the mnemonics, then you can make one for yourself that are self-created.

The third category is that of Languages. Language require everyday learning in small quantities and it requires a lot of practice. 

Language can be divided into four categories :

# Reading

# Writing

# Listening

# Speaking

Reading and listening can be practised easily, you can merely go on the internet and read any entertaining stuff in that language for practice, you can practice listening and speaking similarly.


The fourth category is Application-based subjects, it involves problem-solving and question-solving. The theory is quite small. The problems and questions are more in numbers. This includes subjects like Math's, Accounting and Mechanics, There is only one trick to solve them is Practice, Practice and Practice

In fact, it requires so much practice that you can ignore the theories most the times. you can start studying these subjects by looking at the example questions. Recognize the pattern in the solutions and try and imitate it, when you are done solving some problems, then you can go back to the theory of the entire thing and what were the formulas being used in these questions.


I would like to give you a bonus suggestion here, sometimes it so happens that you are reading something but you lose concentration because you do not find it interesting. A possible solution, in this case, would be trying to go to the depth of studying that thing. find out why are you studying, find out what is the purpose behind, what is its history?

I hope you like it.

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Jetain singh
April 6, 2020 at 12:34 AM ×

It is very helpful

Congrats bro Jetain singh you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...

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