Is Time Travel is Possible / Theories, Experiment, Paradoxes- samzoo


Is Time Travel is Possible /  Theories, Experiment, Paradoxes- samzoo

Is Time Travel is Possible

Hello friends, In this blog, I will try to tell you about Time Travel. by listening to the time travel, science fiction movies would come in our mind. By the way, listening to time travel is impossible. but we must not forget that today such technology is coming out in front of us, which we had never even thought about, such as a self-driving car, artificial intelligence etc.
so, seeing the rapid development of all these advanced technologies, we can say that the time travel can also be possible. Friends, if we look in history, we get to see many events related to the time travel and all the events make us think. 

So in this blog, you will know, what is Time Travel and what is it possible and has it ever been practised?

Let's Begin,

Can there be time travel?

Travelling in time is called time travel. earlier, we used to think time travel was only science fiction. but when Albert Einstein proposed his General Relativity Theory in 1915, time travel was no longer fiction. According to this theory, time does not remain the same in every situation, while the flow of its speed varies. 
Time depends on our speed, so time travel can only be possible with our speed. 

Time Travel can reach us in only two places, either in the past or in the future.

Time Travel into the Future

In this universe, only the speed of light is considered the fastest, whose speed is 300000000 meters/second. no one can travel more than the speed of light. but suppose a time machine is developed in the future that can travel as much as the speed of light, so what will happen then?
So that answer is that time will be slow for the person sitting inside the time machine when he will start their journey for future. for example, when he arrives in the real world after spending a few days in the time machine, he will feel that time has gone beyond that. but its disadvantage is that once he reached the future, he could not return to his time.



There are two types of theory. Practical theory and Mathematical theory. 

Time Travel was also only a mathematical theory, but after the experiment of October 1971, it has proved to be a little practical. In 1971, when Richard Keating took four atomic clocks with him and made two rounds of the earth by the space shuttle at very high speed when he returned to the earth surface, he saw that the time of the atomic clock was running a few nanoseconds behind the actual clock.

So this means that time becomes slower for objects travelling at high speed.

Time Travel into the Past

Speed is not important there when it comes to time travel into the past. The warm hole plays an important role to get into the past. The wormhole is a passage which connects two time and two places together. it is said that wormhole is present around us but it exists at a very small level. if we somehow increase it, then we can go to the past.

There is a popular paradox about time travel into the pas called the Grandfather Paradox. this Paradox says that suppose you went into the past in some way and you killed your grandfather, then you would not be born in the future. but when you were not born then, how did you kill your grandfather? 
so this is the very confusional situation due to which going into the past seems impossible.

Is time travel possible?

Answer: Time travel is now both practically or mathematically proved. suppose even if we have made a time machine then we do not have any source to run it. To run it a source like negative energy is needed, but negative energy has also proved to be only mathematical. because of which time travel is nothing but a fantasy for us.

I hope you liked this.

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