The German Education System / Advantages of the German education system over Indian Education system-SAMZOO


A detailed comparison of the Indian education system with the German education system. how are the two countries handling education differently all the way from middle school, high school, university-level to job level?

The German Education System

The German Education System

After class 4th

The first difference is in the fourth class. after the 4th class, the students in Germany get the option of going to three schools. 
One of the is Realschule, another is Gymnasium and then there is Hauptschule. Keeping in mind the student's ability, they are suggested that they should choose one of the three schools.

The studies in Gymnasium are conducted in the same way as it is conducted in the Indian schools.
In the Realschule the graduation takes place in the 10th class and in Hauptschule, it happens in the 9th class, so in this, the best opportunity that lies with the students is the right after completing their schools they can start directly with their "Ausbildung" or Vocational training. the advantage of vocational training is that they are carrying on their studies and earning money upon the completion of his education he would directly 
start his job.

Class 10th

The second difference comes in the 11th and 12th class. In India, three options are provided- Science, commerce and humanities. but in Germany you can individually pick out what subjects you want to study in the 11th and 12th class.

University Education

Let us now come to Universities. the difference is that there are no tuition fees. the tuition fees are zero and other, in Germany, the vacation thing is so common here that most of the people take a yearlong break after 12th. in Germany almost every child, goes to Australia, India ( or other places) for one year, it is called Au Pair. so, the people gather experience from the world for one year and then commence their studies for college.

Placement after College

The most important thing to keep in mind here is that there are no placements in Germany. Universities do not invite companies to come and to recruit their students.
After the completion of masters, if you did a good job, then companies hire you.

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