What benefits corona virus is going to give to Earth? Impact on global economy?-SAMZOO


What benefits corona virus is going to give to Earth?  Impact on global economy?

Benefits given by Corona 

Across the whole world, air pollution has been decreasing drastically. Air and the water in rivers have been getting cleaner due to the Global lockdown. Same effects have been observed in India where the blue sky is now visible across major cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata. Ganga and Yamuna are flowing cleaner. 

 Reduction in the emission of Nitrogen dioxide.

Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic gas that comes out from the Transportation sector as well as the industrial sector. The World Health Organization describes nitrogen dioxide as " a toxic gas which causes significant inflammation of the airways" at a concentration above 200 micrograms per cubic metres.
This can cause problems such as wheezing, coughing, colds, flu and bronchitis it can also reduce immunity to lung infections.

The lockdown caused by coronavirus has reduced carriages on the roads. the factories have also closed due to which concentration of NO2 in the atmosphere has been decreased.

Satellite imaginary of some countries:

China :

Itlay :

PM 2.5

Particulate matter which is also known as PM 2.5 is put into the category of carcinogen, which causes cancer. Due to the small size of PM 2.5, it goes into the bloodstream through the lungs. it can cause heart attack, respiratory problems and sometimes premature death. according to the estimate of WHO, more than 4 million people are killed every year worldwide because of PM 2.5. but its concentration reduced due to global lockdown.

Residents of Punjab's Jalandhar are now able to view the mighty Dhaulandhar mountain range located several kilometres away in Himachal Pradesh as the city's air quality has improved due to the ongoing country-wide lockdown.

Due to which the weather has become clear and blue sky in the day and twinkling stars appear in the sky at night. deaths due to PM 2.5 has also decreased due to clean air.
According to Stanford University deaths in china reduced to the decrease in air pollution.
This data is more than the patients who died because of COVID-19.

 Reduction of Water Pollution

An undesirable change in the physical, biological or chemical qualities of water ( due to the addition of organic, inorganic, biological or radioactive substances) that adversely affects the aquatic life and makes the water unfit for use, is called water pollution. The closure of the factory has not only cleaned the water.

Effects on Climate change

Carbon dioxide is not a poisonous gas but it is a greenhouse gas which traps sun's heat energy falling on earth. The burning of more and more of fossil fuels is increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing increased greenhouse effect leading to global warming. Fossil fuels are used in homes and in industry, or it is used to generate electricity at Thermal Power Plants. but the burning of fossil fuels releases a large amount of carbon dioxide and smoke which pollutes the environment. 
A large number of fossil fuels are used in the industrial sector. but the closure of factories and industries has reduced the carbon dioxide gas emission.

Now comes to the Bad news

Whenever the emission of carbon dioxide gas is reduced, then our economy has also slashed, it means the economy is inversely proportional to nature. because the economy is under control in the industrial sector but we have discussed above that fossil fuels control the industries.

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