Interesting facts of our Universe-SAMZOO


Our Galaxy is very bizarre and its way of working is also very different. there are some scientific interesting facts in our Galaxy which you should all know. we will be providing this information to you, so stay connected with us till the end of this article.

Interesting facts of our Universe

So, let's start with our lovable Earth

1. The Earth

* Did you know? 4.54 billion years is the age of our Earth. but how scientist calculated the age of the earth?

It is calculated by Radiometric dating technique.this is the technique used by scientist to calculate the age of any object.

* The average temperature of the earth is about 16°C, but there are many places where the temperature has shown its worst. for example, on 10th July 1913, the maximum temperature in
 Death Valley of the US was 56.7°C  and on July 21, 1983, minimum temperature -89.2°C was recorded at the Vostok Station of Russia.

*  Earlier Scientists used to think that the Earth is the centre of the solar system and the rest of the planets, the Sun and the Moon revolve around it and a model was named at that time was Geocentric Model. but Nicolaus Copernicus proved this wrong and made a Heliocentric Model. according to the Heliocentric Model, all the planets are revolving around the Sun and moons revolving around the planets.

 *The Rotation of Earth is slowing down. Earth Rotation is slowing down at the rate of 17 milliseconds per hundred years. this happens because the distance between Moon and Earth is increasing at the rate of 3.78 cm 
per year.

We knew that Earth revolves around the Sun but the question is that at what rate?

Earth revolves around the Sun at the speed of 30 km per second.

2. Some Planets and Moon that can float on water.

* Saturn has a moon called Hyperion, it looks like a sponge, its density is half of the water so it can float on water.
* Saturn has also the same property because Saturn is mostly made up of gas and most of the gases are lighter than liquid, so it can also float on water.

3. Asteroid with moon 

* We all knew that planets have its moon For example. Europe is a moon of Jupiter. Generally, the asteroid does not have any moon because they itself are smaller than the moon. 
  But 243 Ida is the moon. Which has it moon called Dactyl? There are 127 asteroid. Who has its own moon?

4. Eris

* Eris is a draft planet that orbits the Sun 3 times the distance between Pluto and the Sun.
  Eris takes 570 years for a complete revolution.

5. Ganymede

* Jupiter have 61 moons. Europe, Ganymede, Callisto and other, but moon Ganymede is the largest natural satellite in the Solar system, Larger than Mercury and Pluto, and only slightly smaller than Mars.

6. V77-4104

* The farthest planet from Sun according to distance wise.

  Pluto < Charon < Varuna < Makemake < Sedna < V77 - 4104

* V77 - 4104 was discovered on 13th October 2015, which is found in Oort Cloud. it orbits the Sun 500 times the distance between Eris and the Sun.

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