What does 5G network means? How it will work and is it also has limitation?-SAMZOO


In this article, I am going to tell you about 5G. 5G is not yet in the market. Everyone is eagerly waiting for 5G. after the arrival of 5G, the entire pattern of the network changed. but what is 5G? how it will boost the internet speed and how it will change network pattern, I am going to answer all these questions today, so stay connected with us till the end of this article.

What does 5G network mean?

5G network mean

Why we need 5G?

  • The requirement of more data: You see that technology is advancing at a very fast pace today. day by day development in mobile phone camera is happening, video quality is also getting better and mobile phone applications are also using more data than before, so all for these needs we need more data which 4G cannot give us.

  • Speed and low Latency: Now we do not want our communication to be disturbed and due to the in online transaction, we need more security for which we need speed and that speed 4G cannot give us.

  • Large throughput: Mobile phones, computers, Televisions, etc. Sensors have increased in all these and for fact communication between sensor we need more internet and only 5G can give us.

  • Stable and Redundant: When 3G was updated, we got 4G and there was no new invention of 4G, so now 4G network is not stable.

The different portions of the electromagnetic spectrum can be used for different purposes.

 TVs and Radio signals - Radio waves (1,000 m)
 For cooking and Mobile Phones - Microwaves (0.01 m)
 For optical fibre communication - Infrared (0.00001 m)
 For seeing purpose - Visible light (0.0000001 m)
 For detecting forged bank notes - Ultraviolet (0.00000001 m)
 Medical imagining of bones and Tumours - X-Rays (0.0000000001 m)A
 For killing cancer cells - Gamma radiation (0.000000000001 m)

Core of 5G

High frequency: Gamma radiations are the highest frequencies radiation that shows itself on one side of the electromagnetic spectrum and Infrared radiation on the other side with low frequencies.

Microwaves come in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum on which the mobile phone works. The bandwidth of microwaves suitable for mobile phones is 3 GHz - 6 GHz.The frequency bandwidth used in 5G will be in the range of 20 GHz to 70 GHz, meanwhile, the frequency is called Millimeter waves, which are high-frequency waves.

Small Antenna: The size of the Antenna that catches high frequency is small in the transmitter and also in the receiver. This has the advantage that a lot of antennas are installed in the device, due to which the phase shift keeps happening, so that waves do not interfere and the signal quality gets better.

Short Range: Short-range is the limitation of 5G network, due to which many mobile towers will have to be installed at one place. A 5G Mobile tower can cover only three to four houses.

The backbone of 5G Network

Peer to Peer is Possible: Direct data communication can be possible between terminals in 5G networks because Millimetre waves are in short wavelength. diffusion efficiency between terminals is extremely high because the adoption of massive 
MIMO Technology increases the number of base stations.

Full-duplex using hardware:  Technology of Full-duplex is a great solution for future 5TH generation 5G system by accommodating the exponentially growing mobile traffic demand. it allows a device to transmit and receive signal simultaneously 
in the same frequency band, it means doubling the system throughput over the half-duplex system.

Multipath for Everything: Technology of device to device communication can increase the throughput and also reduce the power consumption of cellular communication. Security is most important in 5G because 5G devices will not secure. it can affect the AI of self-driving vehicles and health care application.

I hope you liked this.


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April 21, 2020 at 5:56 PM ×

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